domingo, 28 de janeiro de 2018

O patrão do Facebook 'foge' da rede social e não deixa a família aproximar-se dela....

Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t use Facebook the way you do

Quartz Daily Brief | 27 Jan. 2018

The 33-year-old chief executive has a team of 12 moderators dedicated to deleting comments and spam from his page,” writes Alex Hern for the Guardian. Social media and tech industry bosses, it turns out, don’t use social media very much, and don’t want to let younger family members online, either. The reality is, no one is sure whether the generation currently hooked on it will be better or worse off, a new normal or an aberration. And the creators of it all aren’t about to take that kind of risk with themselves or those that matter to them.

Um exemplo a seguir... Se com Frei Tomáz a coisa é "faz o que eu digo e não faças o que eu faço", com o Zuckas do Facebook deve ser ao contrário: Não faças o que ele diz, mas faz o que ele faz!"

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