segunda-feira, 22 de abril de 2019

Raríssimo: Quando a “Patroa” da CIA Fala em Público...

É um acontecimento que só pela sua raridade já merece destaque.

“CIA Director Gina Haspel Speaks at Auburn University:

“(...) Over the past year, our leadership team has taken steps to improve CIA’s ability to tackle the many challenges we face. And our efforts are beginning to pay off.

For starters, we’ve devoted more time, money, and creativity to our effort against some our nation’s toughest adversaries.

Our Russia and Iran investment has been strengthened after years of falling behind our justifiably heavy emphasis on counterterrorism in the wake of 9/11. Groups like ISIS and al-Qa‘ida remain squarely in our sights, but we’re honing our focus and resources on nation-state rivals.

Additionally, we’re applying cutting-edge technologies and tradecraft to allow us to react more quickly to global developments—like targeting a terrorist organization wherever it arises and before it spreads.

We’re making great strides with our foreign partners—those ties are stronger than ever. And let me tell you ....”

Here's a link to her written comments posted by the CIA:

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