quinta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2022

Livro Bomba: "Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win"

É uma bomba em forma de livro que o gigante editorial HarperCollins se prepara para lançar por estes dias. Com o expressivo título "Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win", a capa do livro, além da foto de Joe Biden e Xi Jinping a apertar as mãos bem contentes e sorridentes (embora o chinês não mostre os dentes), apresenta uma arrasadora galeria de fotos: "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), former House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), LeBron James, Elon Musk, Henry Kissinger, and Bill Gates". Da autoria do credenciado investigador Peter Schweizer (6 vezes "New York Times bestselling author"), a bomba "Red-Handed" tem o seu conteúdo sob estrito embargo até ao próximo dia 25 Janeiro, data do lançamento, pelo que não é possível qualquer citação. Mas é pena, muito mesmo. Por agora, só a capa pode ser divulgada...

"Red-Handed - How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win"

Presidential families, Silicon Valley gurus, Wall Street high rollers, Ivy League universities, even professional athletes—all willing to sacrifice American strength and security on the altar of personal enrichment. That the Chinese government seeks to infiltrate American institutions is hardly surprising. What is wholly new, however, are the number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global hegemony.

In "Red-Handed", six-time New York Times bestselling investigator Peter Schweizer presents his most alarming findings to date by revealing the secret deals wealthy Americans have cut to help China build its military, technological, and economic might. Equally as astonishing, many of these elites quietly believe the Chinese dictatorial regime is superior to American democracy.

Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators spent over a year scouring a massive trove of global corporate records and legal filings to expose the hidden transactions China’s enablers hoped would never see the light of day. And as Schweizer’s past bombshells like 'Profiles in Corruption', 'Secret Empires', and 'Clinton Cash' all made clear, there are bad actors on both ends of the political spectrum.

Exhaustively researched, crisply told, and chilling, "Red-Handed" will expose the nexus of power between the Chinese government and the American elites who do its bidding.

Given the bestselling author’s investigative track record, the book’s subjects may have cause for concern. Peter Schweizer’s 'Clinton Cash' sparked an FBI investigation into the Clinton Foundation. His last two books, 'Profiles in Corruption' and 'Secret Empires', each hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after the trip...

Peter Schweizer is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and the former William J. Casey Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He is a number one New York Times bestselling author whose books have been translated into eleven languages.

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Atlântico Norte: Novo Mapa a Emergir!

Há um Novo Mapa a emergir, no Atlântico Norte, e é urgente estudá-lo, monitorizá-lo e influenciá-lo. Sem perda de tempo!