sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2022

Catar: Um Emirado da Irmandade Muçulmana

O CatarGate veio colocar a questão de saber o que é realmente o Catar, um emirado infiltrado e dominado pela Irmandade Muçulmana. Ora, pouco antes do início do 'Mundial', foi editada uma excelentemente documentada obra sobre a Irmandade Muçulmana, da autoria de uma investigadora egípcia refugiada nos Estados Unidos, Cynthia Farahat. Curiosamente (ou talvez não...), perante a perplexidade da autora, a distribuição do livro tem estado a ser adiada para o próximo... 30 de Dezembro! 

Aqui, no IntelNomics, conseguimos (felizmente!) acesso a uma digitalização da edição, através de bons amigos.
Thanks, Cynthia and friends.

''The Secret Apparatus: The Muslim Brotherhood's Industry of Death'', by Cynthia Farahat

The Muslim Brotherhood’s “Secret Apparatus” is a clandestine incubator for Islamic terrorism, and it exports its “industry of death” to destroy the world through infiltration, disinformation, and jihad .....

About the Autor

Cynthia Farahat is an Egyptian American author, columnist, political analyst, researcher, and fellow at the Middle East Forum. She co-founded the Misr al-Um and the Liberal Egyptian parties in Egypt, which advocated for peace with Israel, capitalism, and the separation of mosque and state. She studied Islamic jurisprudence for more than twenty years and co-authored several books in Arabic, including Desecration of A Heavenly Religion, which was officially banned by Al-Azhar Islamic University in Cairo in 2008 for its critical research of Egyptian Islamic blasphemy laws.

Farahat landed on an Al-Qaeda affiliated groups’ hit list and was officially banned from entering Lebanon for her work fostering regional peace. Egyptian State Security Intelligence Service surveilled her for over a decade and she received daily death threats from radical Islamists. After her brother was tortured by President Hosni Mubarak’s regime, her friend was murdered, and Islamists tried to assassinate her, Farahat immigrated to the United States.

Farahat has testified before the U.S. House of Representatives, briefed more than 120 congressional offices, and advised numerous intelligence and law enforcement agencies. She received the Speaker of Truth Award from the Endowment for Middle East Truth and the Profile in Courage Award from ACT for America. Her writing has been published in many Arabic and western outlets, including National Review online, the Middle East Quarterly, The Hill, Fox News, The Daily Caller, and The Washington Times. She has appeared on ReasonTV, Fox News Live, Voice of America, PJTV, BlazeTV, and i24 News.

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Atlântico Norte: Novo Mapa a Emergir!

Há um Novo Mapa a emergir, no Atlântico Norte, e é urgente estudá-lo, monitorizá-lo e influenciá-lo. Sem perda de tempo!