sexta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2018

Mattis: Uma Estratégia Nuclear Adequada ao "Mundo Tal Como Ele É"

“Olhar o mundo tal como ele é e não como gostamos que fosse”, ou seja, “olhar a realidade nos olhos”, leva o chefe do Pentágono, General Jim Mattis, a anunciar uma estratégia nuclear capaz de responder às mudanças verificadas no mundo e ao enfraquecimento americano durante a era Obama. Para o vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, o general da Força Aérea Paul J. Selva, “We have not, which means the capability of Russian and Chinese nuclear arsenals is actually getting better against ours.” O “Guerreiro Monge” tem a resposta...

Pentagon unveils new nuclear weapons strategy, ending Obama-era push to reduce U.S. arsenal, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said the changes reflect a need to “look reality in the eye” and “see the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.”

Para o Washington Post, “The threats have changed dramatically since the last time the Pentagon updated its nuclear weapons policy, with Russia reemerging as a geopolitical foe and with Moscow and Beijing investing in their nuclear arsenals. North Korea, meanwhile, has edged closer to possessing a missile capable of striking the U.S. mainland with a nuclear warhead, bringing the prospect of nuclear war back to the forefront of the American psyche for the first time since the Cold War.

” The previous administration’s policy hinged on what President Barack Obama called a moral obligation for the United States to lead by example in ridding the world of nuclear weapons. But officials in the Trump administration and the U.S. military argue that Obama’s approach proved overly idealistic, particularly as Russia reemerged as a foe, and that it failed to persuade U.S. nuclear adversaries to follow suit.”

“Over the course of the last several years, Russia and China have been building new types and kinds of nuclear weapons, both delivery systems and actual warheads,” Air Force Gen. Paul J. Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told journalists earlier this week. “We have not, which means the capability of Russian and Chinese nuclear arsenals is actually getting better against ours.”

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