quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2018

China, Belt and Road... Corruption, Debt and Backlash

“Why Democracies Are Turning Against Belt and Road?”, pergunta a Foreign Affairs que responde: “Corruption, Debt, and Backlash”...

Xi Jiping sai bastante mal na fotografia...

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an enormous international investment project touted by Chinese President Xi Jinping, was supposed to establish Chinese soft power. Since late 2013, Beijing has poured nearly $700 billion worth of Chinese money into more than sixty countries (according to research by RWR Advisory), much of it in the form of large-scale infrastructure projects and loans to governments that would otherwise struggle to pay for them. The idea was to draw these countries closer to Beijing while boosting Chinese soft power abroad. Far from expanding Chinese soft power, the BRI appears to be achieving the opposite.

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