Face à escalada chinesa, Trump começa
a ser pressionado para, de vez, encarar e tratar o governo chinês “como o
inimigo que é”... Caso exemplar destas pressões, que já saíram dos bastidores e
saltaram para a rua, é esta crítica (agora publicada pela revista "The National Interest") a um "relatório" sobre a China, oriundo de um 'staff'
de Trump.
“ Is the Trump Administration Confused on China?
Christian Whiton | TNI | May 28, 2020
A new report urges competition instead of conflict and
working together where interests align. Question: Where exactly do our
interests align with a country that just got 100,000 Americans killed, steals
our technology, wages cyberwar against us, and which is in the midst of one of
the most threatening military buildups in modern history
In recent days, President Trump has foreshadowed
what’s hopefully coming: as the coronavirus crisis that has cut short 100,000
American lives ends, it will be time to turn to assessment and recrimination,
including punishing China, which allowed the virus to spread. He could go even
further and treat China’s government as the enemy it is.
Last week, Trump said .....
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