segunda-feira, 23 de novembro de 2020

Covid-19: Dezinformatsiya à moda de Pequim

Chineses dizem agora que o vírus é "italiano" pois teria aparecido em Itália, em Setembro 2019, antes de surgir em Wuhan...

China Promotes Study Claiming Coronavirus Found in Italy Before Wuhan

Chinese officials have been promoting a new study that claims the coronavirus could have been spreading undetected in Italy months before it was first found in Wuhan, The New York Post reports.

The National Cancer Institute (INT) in Milan found that a portion of volunteers in a lung cancer screening trial that took place between September 2019 and March 2020 were found to have coronavirus antibodies. The first patient to test positive for the coronavirus in Italy was identified in late February.

“This once again shows that tracing the virus’s source is a complex scientific question that should be left to scientists,” a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said,  .....

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Atlântico Norte: Novo Mapa a Emergir!

Há um Novo Mapa a emergir, no Atlântico Norte, e é urgente estudá-lo, monitorizá-lo e influenciá-lo. Sem perda de tempo!