quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2021

Desvendar os Mistérios do 6º Plenário do Comité Central do PC Chinês

O 6º Plenário do Comité Central do Partido Comunista Chinês, que ontem se iniciou, é aqui analisado e explicado por Charles Parton ( James Cook Associate Fellow in Indo-Pacific Geopolitics at the "Council on Geostrategy")

"This Sixth Plenum will pass a ‘Resolution of the CCP Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party’s Centuries of Struggle’.1 A ‘resolution on history’ has only been passed on two previous occasions, in 1945 under Mao Zedong and in 1981 under Deng Xiaoping.


As the announcement of the Sixth Plenum said, the CCP and people

solemnly declare to the world with a brave and tenacious struggle that the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and realising the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and has entered an irreversible historical process.

Just as Mao in 1945 stood at the dawn of a new era, and Deng in 1981 had embarked on the reform era, so Xi has declared a new era, the third age of "Chinese Marxism".

Just as the 1945 and 1981 resolutions underlined the pre-eminent power of Mao and Deng, so the 2021 plenum is intended to underline Xi’s undisputed position. The continuum of the CCP’s glorious history has been emphasised in this year’s political campaign to study history. The necessary pre-eminence of one strong leader is a theme of a commentary in the People’s Daily from 19th October 2021. It quotes Xi: "Make good use of the historical experience of the Zunyi Conference, and let the spirit of the Zunyi Conference shine forever".

The Zunyi Conference, where Mao "saved the Party, the Red Army, and the Chinese revolution at the most critical moment", is a major feature of the 1945 resolution. This is pointedly juxtaposed with paragraphs explaining that the fundamental reason for the CCP’s and the PRC’s historic achievements and historic changes has been the establishment of Xi’s core position in the party.

And just as the 1945 resolution talked of rectification, studying CCP history and achieving ‘clarity in ideology and unity among comrades’, so that will also be the aim this year. In 1945 it was Mao’s ideology and unity; in 2021, it will be Xi’s.

The August Politburo meeting which announced the plenum gave three reasons for the resolution on history:

A review of the major achievements made and the historical experience accumulated during the party’s 100 years of endeavour is needed for the new course of fully building a modern socialist country and for upholding and promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

It is also needed for upholding General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position at the CPC Central Committee and in the whole party, as well as the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralised, unified leadership.

The whole party should try to understand why the CPC succeeded in the past 100 years and know how it can sustain the success in the future, following the principle of historical materialism and through a correct perspective of the CPC’s history.

In sum, this is Xi setting a positive tone to underpin the course aimed at attaining the 2049 second centennial goal – essentially to become a superpower – and the 2035 waypoint. The Sixth Plenum will be part celebration, part morale boosting, and part reminder of Xi’s vision for the CCP and the PRC.


Finally, the Sixth Plenum is part of the preparation for the Party Congress in autumn 2022. The congress will almost certainly enshrine ‘Xi Jinping Thought’ in a simplified title (no longer the protracted ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era’), thus elevating it to the level of ‘Mao Zedong Thought’, as well as approve a third term in the top offices of the CCP, the PLA and state for Xi. The Sixth Plenum may presage those moves."


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