domingo, 23 de maio de 2021

Teoria americana para uma NATO europeia e para o fim do guarda-chuva americano...

"No serious analyst is saying the United States should leave NATO next week.

"Herein lies the basis for a new and improved trans-Atlantic bargain.

"If Europe agrees to align with the United States in the emerging Sino-American security competition, then Washington could agree to leave some U.S. troops in Europe and remain an active member of NATO—including the Article 5 commitment to collective defense.

"Over time, however, NATO’s European members would be expected to bear the main burden of upholding the regional balance of power, thus reducing but not eliminating America’s role in the defense of Europe. In time, a European would assume the role of NATO supreme allied commander, and the U.S. military would no longer play the leading role in the defense of Europe. It would remain an important strategic partner but more as an ally of last resort than a first responder."

Stephen M. Walt | Foreign Policy | May 21, 2021

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