domingo, 31 de março de 2019

Régis Debray: A Europa É um Fantasma e uma Religião

Régis Debray lança uma pedrada no charco das eleições “europeias” com o seu novo livro, "L'Europe Fantôme" (a Europa Fantasma), onde descreve o projecto europeu como sendo mais uma religião que uma coisa política. É por isso, explica Debray, que, apesar do fracasso político da União Europeia, os nossos dirigentes continuam a acreditar nela, como perseguidos pela Europa fantasma... Extractos de recente entrevista de Regis Debray ao Figaro:

GRAND ENTRETIEN - Le projet européen est, selon Régis Debray, davantage une religion qu'une entreprise politique. C'est pourquoi, soutient-il, malgré l'échec politique de l'Union européenne, nos dirigeants continuent d'y croire. Comme hantés par l'Europe fantôme.

Régis Debray: «À force de vouloir accueillir toutes les identités, l'Europe a perdu la sienne»

Alexandre Devecchio,  Etienne Campion | Le Figaro | 29/03/2019

LE FIGARO - Votre livre, L'Europe fantôme, paraît sous la collection «Tracts», à trois mois des élections européennes. Est-ce un hasard?

Régis DEBRAY - Non, mais l'actualité n'est qu'une accroche, Antoine Gallimard et Alban Cerisier ont repris le titre d'une collection des années 1930, qui a publié Gide, Thomas Mann, Giono et d'autres. L'idée est de demander à des écrivains des textes brefs, sans jargon et sans injures, sur le moment historique. Aussi n'est-ce pas l'élection européenne, avec ses énièmes vœux pieux, qui m'a intéressé, mais les soubassements spirituels d'une utopie politique. N'oublions pas que son drapeau bleu ciel procède de l'Apocalypse de saint Jean. Les douze étoiles sont celles de Notre-Dame.

Que signifie ce titre, L'Europe fantôme?

C'est un clin d'œil à L'Afrique fantôme de Michel Leiris où il dit sa déception d'Occidental qui espérait avec le raid Dakar- Djibouti, en 1932, devenir un autre homme au contact d'une autre ...

sábado, 30 de março de 2019

Alain Bauer: Entrevista na 'Conflits'

Curta, clara, concisa e muito rica, a entrevista de Alain Bauer (um velho amigo da equipa do Intelnomics) à 'Conflits':

O Grande Segredo de Israel, de Stéphane Amar, ainda sem tradução em português

A 'Conflits' fez a recensão da mais recente obra de Stéphane Amar, que aqui se retoma:

Le Grand Secret d’Israël, pourquoi il n’y aura pas d’État palestinien, de Stéphane Amar

Recensions | Conflits | 25 mars 2019
Cette recension a été publiée dans le numéro 19 de Conflits. Si vous souhaitez acheter ce numéro, rendez-vous sur la e-boutique de Conflits en cliquant ici.

Le livre de Stéphane Amar, journaliste vivant en Israël, est indispensable à qui veut comprendre ce qui se joue dans ce petit morceau de Moyen-Orient.

Derrière un titre provocateur en apparence, la démonstration est implacable. Les accords d’Oslo, contrairement à une légende savamment entretenue par les deux parties, n’ont jamais été qu’un accord ambigu dont les protagonistes se sont réservé une interprétation toute personnelle.

Entre un Yasser Arafat qui n’a jamais perdu de vue la destruction de l’État d’Israël et un Yitzhak Rabin n’ayant aucune intention d’accorder le moindre droit à un État palestinien, ce malentendu fondamental a en fait ouvert la voie à une décennie de violence. «En échange d’un semblant d’indépendance, les Palestiniens ont hérité d’un pays introuvable à la géographie absurde»

L’auteur revient aussi sur la gauche israélienne, Yitzhak Rabin y compris, qui, selon lui, a toujours encouragé l’implantation et la colonisation pour gagner du temps. «L’idéologie de la séparation ethnique a surtout été portée par la gauche israélienne et mise en œuvre par le processus d’Oslo.» Car le temps compte aussi dans ce rapport de force: le temps est celui des générations et celui «du ventre des femmes» dont Yasser Arafat disait qu’il était l’arme la plus sûre des Palestiniens.

La crainte obsidionale de la submersion démographique des juifs est aussi passée au prisme des multiples études démographiques parfois contradictoires : selon l’auteur, elle est la raison de la décision inattendue de Ariel Sharon d’évacuer la bande de Gaza, tandis que tous s’accordent à dire que la fécondité juive – élevée – est aberrante au regard de l’occidentalisation de la société israélienne, alors que les Arabes semblent s’aligner à la baisse sur les standards occidentaux.

En fin de compte, il n’y aura pas d’autre État que celui d’Israël qui malgré l’hostilité de certains de ses voisins et de nombreux pays dans le monde est tout sauf un «État-paria»: adossé à la puissance américaine, ayant l’Union européenne comme premier partenaire commercial malgré les appels au boycott, Israël peut compter sur l’appui discret de l’Inde et de plus en plus sur celui des pays du Golfe pour qui la puissance iranienne est devenue la première préoccupation.
Stéphane Amar, Le Grand Secret d’Israëlpourquoi il n’y aura pas d’État palestinien,
 L’Observatoire, Paris, 2018, 235 pages, 18 euros.

sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2019

ECONOMIC INTELLIGENCE - A nova newsletter de Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, do Telegraph... Welcome!

A situação global está de novo “a ficar preta” e incontrolável, por isso, Evans-Pritchard percebeu ser necessário um novo media que faça o acompanhamento permanente e em novos moldes dessa evolução.

“With Brexit a work in progress, Europe virtually in recession, the Chinese economy stalling, and the US still threatening trade wars with both China and Europe, the world economy is once again entering treacherous waters.”

Nasce assim a “Economic Intelligence”... “For those who need to be in the know, or just for the intellectually curious”.

O “IntelNomics” deseja-lhe óptimo trabalho e o melhor sucesso. Welcome!

quinta-feira, 21 de março de 2019

George Friedman: Análise da Estratégia Chinesa e Suas Fraquezas

Há 7 anos, em Março de 2012, ainda na Stratfor, George Friedman fazia o ponto sobre a estratégia de Pequim. E revelava-se muito prudente. Entusiasmada com os sucessos já alcançados, a China parece não ter acompanhado Friedman na prudência. Ou seja, Friedman atribuiu e concedeu à China, na sua análise, uma prudência que Pequim não parece ter seguido... Daí talvez o estarmos agora numa aberta, directa e inédita guerra económica, que já nem se procura esconder e atingiu a forma mais dura de conflito geopolítico antes de uma escalada militar. Xi Jinping (desconheço o seu nível de inglês) devia ter lido Friedman... Vale a pena, à luz dos acontecimentos presentes, reler o que Friedman então avaliava da estratégia chinesa. 

Simply put, China has three core strategic interests.

By George Friedman | Stratfor  | Mar 6, 2012

Paramount among them is the maintenance of domestic security. Historically, when China involves itself in global trade, as it did in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the coastal region prospers, while the interior of China — which begins about 160 kilometers (100 miles) from the coast and runs about 1,600 kilometers to the west — languishes. Roughly two-thirds of all Chinese citizens currently have household incomes lower than the average household income in Bolivia. Most of China's poor are located west of the richer coastal region. This disparity of wealth time and again has exposed tensions between the interests of the coast and those of the interior. After a failed rising in Shanghai in 1927, Mao Zedong exploited these tensions by undertaking the Long March into the interior, raising a peasant army and ultimately conquering the coastal region. He shut China off from the international trading system, leaving China more united and equal, but extremely poor.

The current government has sought a more wealth-friendly means of achieving stability: buying popular loyalty with mass employment. Plans for industrial expansion are implemented with little thought to markets or margins; instead, maximum employment is the driving goal. Private savings are harnessed to finance the industrial effort, leaving little domestic capital to purchase the output. China must export accordingly.

China's second strategic concern derives from the first. China's industrial base by design produces more than its domestic economy can consume, so China must export goods to the rest of the world while importing raw materials. The Chinese therefore must do everything possible to ensure international demand for their exports. This includes a range of activities, from investing money in the economies of consumer countries to establishing unfettered access to global sea-lanes.


Buffer States

The third strategic interest is in maintaining control over buffer states. The population of the historical Han Chinese heartland is clustered in the eastern third of the country, where ample precipitation distinguishes it from the much more dry and arid central and western thirds. China's physical security therefore depends on controlling the four non-Han Chinese buffer states that surround it: Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Tibet. Securing these regions means China can insulate itself from Russia to the north, any attack from the western steppes, and any attack from India or Southeast Asia.

Controlling the buffer states provides China geographical barriers — jungles, mountains, steppes and the Siberian wasteland — that are difficult to surmount and creates a defense in depth that puts any attacker at a grave disadvantage.

Challenged Interests


Today, China faces challenges to all three of these interests. 

The economic downturn in Europe and the United States, China's two main customers, has exposed Chinese exports to increased competition and decreased appetite. Meanwhile, China has been unable to appropriately increase domestic demand and guarantee access to global sea-lanes independent of what the U.S. Navy is willing to allow.

Those same economic stresses also challenge China domestically. The wealthier coast depends on trade that is now faltering, and the impoverished interior requires subsidies that are difficult to provide when economic growth is slowing substantially.

In addition, two of China's buffer regions are in flux. Elements within Tibet and Xinjiang adamantly resist Han Chinese occupation. China understands that the loss of these regions could pose severe threats to China's security, particularly if such losses would draw India north of the Himalayas or create a radical Islamic regime in Xinjiang.

The situation in Tibet is potentially the most troubling. Outright war between India and China — anything beyond minor skirmishes — is impossible so long as both are separated by the Himalayas. Neither side could logistically sustain large-scale multi-divisional warfare in that terrain. But China and India could threaten one another if they were to cross the Himalayas and establish a military presence on the either side of the mountain chain. For India, the threat would emerge if Chinese forces entered Pakistan in large numbers. For China, the threat would occur if large numbers of Indian troops entered Tibet.

China therefore constantly postures as if it were going to send large numbers of forces into Pakistan, but in the end, the Pakistanis have no interest in de facto Chinese occupation — even if the occupation were directed against India. Likewise, the Chinese are not interested in undertaking security operations in Pakistan. The Indians have little interest in sending forces into Tibet in the event of a Tibetan revolution. For India, an independent Tibet without Chinese forces would be interesting, but a Tibet where the Indians would have to commit significant forces would not be. As much as the Tibetans represent a problem for China, the problem is manageable. Tibetan insurgents might receive some minimal encouragement and support from India, but not to a degree that would threaten Chinese control.

So long as the internal problems in Han China are manageable, so is Chinese domination of the buffer states, albeit with some effort and some damage to China's reputation abroad.

The key for China is maintaining interior stability. If this portion of Han China destabilizes, control of the buffers becomes impossible. Maintaining interior stability requires the transfer of resources, which in turn requires the continued robust growth of the Chinese coastal economy to generate the capital to transfer inland. Should exports stop flowing out and raw materials in, incomes in the interior would quickly fall to politically explosive levels. (China today is far from revolution, but social tensions are increasing, and China must use its security apparatus and the People's Liberation Army to control these tensions.)

Maintaining those flows is a considerable challenge. The very model of employment and market share over profitability misallocates scores of resources and breaks the normally self-regulating link between supply and demand. One of the more disruptive results is inflation, which alternatively raises the costs of subsidizing the interior while eroding China's competitiveness with other low-cost global exporters.

For the Chinese, this represents a strategic challenge, a challenge that can only be countered by increasing the profitability on Chinese economic activity. This is nearly impossible for low value-added producers. The solution is to begin manufacturing higher value-added products (fewer shoes, more cars), but this necessitates a different sort of work force, one with years more education and training than the average Chinese coastal inhabitant, much less someone from the interior. It also requires direct competition with the well-established economies of Japan, Germany and the United States. This is the strategic battleground that China must attack if it is to maintain its stability.

A Military Component


Besides the issues with its economic model, China also faces a primarily military problem. China depends on the high seas to survive. The configuration of the South China Sea and the East China Sea render China relatively easy to blockade. The East China Sea is enclosed on a line from Korea to Japan to Taiwan, with a string of islands between Japan and Taiwan. The South China Sea is even more enclosed on a line from Taiwan to the Philippines, and from Indonesia to Singapore. Beijing's single greatest strategic concern is that the United States would impose a blockade on China, not by positioning its 7th Fleet inside the two island barriers but outside them. From there, the United States could compel China to send its naval forces far away from the mainland to force an opening — and encounter U.S. warships — and still be able to close off China's exits.

That China does not have a navy capable of challenging the United States compounds the problem. China is still in the process of completing its first aircraft carrier; indeed, its navy is insufficient in size and quality to challenge the United States. But naval hardware is not China's greatest challenge. The United States commissioned its first aircraft carrier in 1922 and has been refining both carrier aviation and battle group tactics ever since. Developing admirals and staffs capable of commanding carrier battle groups takes generations. Since the Chinese have never had a carrier battle group in the first place, they have never had an admiral commanding a carrier battle group.

China understands this problem and has chosen a different strategy to deter a U.S. naval blockade: anti-ship missiles capable of engaging and perhaps penetrating U.S. carrier defensive systems, along with a substantial submarine presence. The United States has no desire to engage the Chinese at all, but were this to change, the Chinese response would be fraught with difficulty.

While China has a robust land-based missile system, a land-based missile system is inherently vulnerable to strikes by cruise missiles, aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles currently in development and other types of attack. China's ability to fight a sustained battle is limited. Moreover, a missile strategy works only with an effective reconnaissance capability. You cannot destroy a ship if you do not know where it is. This in turn necessitates space-based systems able to identify U.S. ships and a tightly integrated fire-control system. That raises the question of whether the United States has an anti-satellite capability. We would assume that it does, and if the United States used it, it would leave China blind.

China is therefore supplementing this strategy by acquiring port access in countries in the Indian Ocean and outside the South China Sea box. Beijing has plans to build ports in Myanmar, which is flirting with ending its international isolation, and Pakistan. Beijing already has financed and developed port access to Gwadar in Pakistan, Colombo and Hambantota in Sri Lanka, Chittagong in Bangladesh, and it has hopes for a deepwater port at Sittwe, Myanmar. In order for this strategy to work, China needs transportation infrastructure linking China to the ports. This means extensive rail and road systems. The difficulty of building this in Myanmar, for example, should not be underestimated.

But more important, China needs to maintain political relationships that will allow it to access the ports. Pakistan and Myanmar, for example, have a degree of instability, and China cannot assume that cooperative governments will always be in place in such countries. In Myanmar's case, recent political openings could result in Naypyidaw's falling out of China's sphere of influence. Building a port and roads and finding that a coup or an election has created an anti-Chinese government is a possibility. Given that this is one of China's fundamental strategic interests, Beijing cannot simply assume that building a port will give it unrestricted access to the port. Add to this that roads and rail lines are easily sabotaged by guerrilla forces or destroyed by air or missile attacks.

In order for the ports on the Indian Ocean to prove useful, Beijing must be confident in its ability to control the political situation in the host country for a long time. That sort of extended control can only be guaranteed by having overwhelming power available to force access to the ports and the transportation system. It is important to bear in mind that since the Communists took power, China has undertaken offensive military operations infrequently — and to undesirable results. Its invasion of Tibet was successful, but it was met with minimal effective resistance. Its intervention in Korea did achieve a stalemate but at horrendous cost to the Chinese, who endured the losses but became very cautious in the future. In 1979, China attacked Vietnam but suffered a significant defeat. China has managed to project an image of itself as a competent military force, but in reality it has had little experience in force projection, and that experience has not been pleasant.

Internal Security vs. Power Projection

The reason for this inexperience stems from internal security. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is primarily configured as a domestic security force — a necessity because of China's history of internal tensions. It is not a question of whether China is currently experiencing such tensions; it is a question of possibility. Prudent strategic planning requires building forces to deal with worst-case situations. Having been designed for internal security, the PLA is doctrinally and logistically disinclined toward offensive operations. Using a force trained for security as a force for offensive operations leads either to defeat or very painful stalemates. And given the size of China's potential internal issues and the challenge of occupying a country like Myanmar, let alone Pakistan, building a secondary force of sufficient capability might not outstrip China's available manpower but would certainly outstrip its command and logistical capabilities. The PLA was built to control China, not to project power outward, and strategies built around the potential need for power projection are risky at best.

It should be noted that since the 1980s the Chinese have been attempting to transfer internal security responsibilities to the People's Armed Police, the border forces and other internal security forces that have been expanded and trained to deal with social instability. But despite this restructuring, there remain enormous limitations on China's ability to project military power on a scale sufficient to challenge the United States directly.

There is a disjuncture between the perception of China as a regional power and the reality. China can control its interior, but its ability to control its neighbors through military force is limited. Indeed, the fear of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan is unfounded. It cannot mount an amphibious assault at that distance, let alone sustain extended combat logistically. One option China does have is surrogate guerrilla warfare in places like the Philippines or Indonesia. The problem with such warfare is that China needs to open sea-lanes, and guerrillas — even guerrillas armed with anti-ship missiles or mines — can at best close them.

Political Solution

China therefore faces a significant strategic problem. China must base its national security strategy on what the United States is capable of doing, not on what Beijing seems to want at the moment. China cannot counter the United States at sea, and its strategy of building ports in the Indian Ocean suffers from the fact that its costs are huge and the political conditions for access uncertain. The demands of creating a force capable of guaranteeing access runs counter to the security requirements inside China itself.

As long as the United States is the world's dominant naval power, China's strategy must be the political neutralization of the United States. But Beijing must make certain that Washington does not feel so pressured that it chooses blockade as an option. Therefore, China must present itself as an essential part of U.S. economic life. But the United States does not necessarily see China's economic activity as beneficial, and it is unclear whether China can maintain its unique position with the United States indefinitely. Other, cheaper alternatives are available. China's official rhetoric and hard-line stances, designed to generate nationalist support inside the country, might be useful politically, but they strain relations with the United States. They do not strain relations to the point of risking military conflict, but given China's weakness, any strain is dangerous. The Chinese feel they know how to walk the line between rhetoric and real danger with the United States. It is still a delicate balance.

There is a perception that China is a rising regional and even global power. It may be rising, but it is still far from solving its fundamental strategic problems and further yet from challenging the United States. The tensions within China's strategy are certainly debilitating, if not fatal. All of its options have serious weaknesses. China's real strategy must be to avoid having to make risky strategic choices. China has been fortunate for the past 30 years being able to avoid such decisions, but Beijing utterly lacks the tools required to reshape that environment. Considering how much of China's world is in play right now — Sudanese energy disputes and Myanmar's political experimentation leap to mind — this is essentially a policy of blind hope.

A China Toma o Porto de Palermo

O porto italiano de Palermo está a ser transformado pela China num porto gigante para rivalizar com Roterdão. A Itália afasta-se assim da nova linha dura contra Pequim adoptada pela União Europeia, insulta abertamente o eixo franco-alemão e torna-se o primeiro país do G7 a aderir ao projecto geopolítico chinês dito One Belt, One Road... Claro que há riscos na iniciativa protagonizada, internamente, pelo governamental partido “Cinco Estrelas” e que já alguém avisou que a Itália se está a vender ao Partido Comunista Chinês... Merkel semeou ventos e agora tem de lidar com as tempestades.

Com a implosão da URSS, em 1990, as placas tectónicas da geopolítica pareciam ter entrado em prolongado período de repouso, houve mesmo quem visse, então, “o fim da história” e a entrada num tempo de paz perpétua. Os anos 90 foram, assim, o tempo das ilusões, o tempo em que todos os delírios eram tomados como coisas sérias.

Depois, a abrir o século XXI, surgiu o cisne negro do “11 de Setembro”. De facto, só foi negro, esse cisne, porque ninguém o quis ver, pois os primeiros avisos (e bem específicos...) sobre a matéria datam de dez anos antes, de 1991. Mas como se vivia nos anos das ilusões e a grande questão era saber se a relação do presidente Bill Clinton com uma jovem colaboradora era ou não era sexual, esse cisne acabou mesmo por ser negro. E bem negro.

Na perspectiva definida pelos coronéis chineses da “Guerra Irrestrita”, é possível e legítimo perguntar se esse cisne negro não foi uma manobra de diversão para lançar os USA numa prolongada “guerra ao terrorismo” que os ocupasse, os distraísse do resto, os cansasse (tanto psicologicamente como financeiramente) e assim permitisse a outras potências em ascensão ganhar tempo de que tanto precisavam...

A crise financeira de 2008 veio oferecer mais tempo aos “chalengers” estratégicos e abrir graves brechas nos Estados do Ocidente e ainda desencadear uma crise de legitimidade da representação política como não se tinha visto desde a II Guerra.

Na Europa, a resposta a essa crise financeira foi comandada por Angela Merkel e obedeceu à cartilha do ordo-liberalismo alemão. Resultado: os Estados do litoral europeu tornaram-se campos de ruínas, tanto na economia como na legitimidade das suas classes políticas. Um muito ambicioso “chalenger”, a China, avançou por esses campos de ruínas e neles já começou a instalar-se, avançando todos os dias na ocupação do terreno. Era expectável (para quem tivesse olhos e neurónios).

As placas tectónicas da geopolítica (como vão longe os anos 90...) estão de novo em movimento e aceleram. Por ora, o conflito geopolítico (ainda) assume as formas da guerra económica... como neste caso da Itália.

Italy drawn to the promise of China's Silk Road in defiance of Brussels

Italy is investing, with Chinese help, into Palermo, in a bid to turn it into a giant port to rival Rotterdam...

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard | The Telegraph | 17 MARCH 2019

 Italy is the first G7 country to sign up to China's Belt and Road, widely seen as a front for strategic ambition

Italy is selling itself lock, stock, and barrel to the Chinese Communist Party, flouting the EU’s tough new line on Beijing and openly taunting the Franco-German axis.

The techno-utopian Five Star Movement is chiefly responsible for this effusive embrace of Xi Jinping’s authoritarian model.

Its leaders suppose there to be a pot of gold in the Middle Kingdom, available to buy Italy's bonds and to pay for Rome’s unaffordable spending plans.

It is a way to take revenge against the EU policy elites for years of enforced austerity and their failure to deliver on ‘New Deal’ promises of an investment blitz. But it also risks a diplomatic rupture with US for questionable economic gain.

Italy is to...

domingo, 17 de março de 2019

National Intelligence Strategy, 2019

This National Intelligence Strategy (NIS) provides the Intelligence Community (IC) with strategic direction from the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) for the next four years. It supports the national security priorities outlined in the National Security Strategy as well as other national strategies. In executing the NIS, all IC activities must be responsive to national security priorities and must comply with the Constitution, applicable laws and statutes, and Congressional oversight requirements.

Giuseppe Gagliano: Realismo politico contro utopia: uno scontro storico essenziale

Roma | 16 Marzo 2019

Allo storico greco Tucidide non sfuggì il fatto che l’interesse vitale di Atene fosse il controllo del mare senza il quale sarebbe stato minacciato l’approvvigionamento di materie prime e il commercio sul quale si fondava il sistema di sicurezza imperiale edificato nel Mediterraneo orientale. Sempre nella riflessione dello storico greco Tucidide appare evidente la polarizzazione geopolitica tra potenza terrestre e potenza marittima, contrapposizione che lo storico greco vede in Sparta e Atene.

Inevitabile allora appare una visione non solo pessimistica della storia ma in un certo senso melanconica: la dinamica di potenza è infatti sottoposta tanto alla legge della crescita quanto alla legge della decadenza. L’egemonia di una potenza è destinata a tramontare come hanno insegnato sia Machiavelli che lo stesso Tucidide. D’altra parte, come osservava il sociologo italiano Pareto, la storia è un cimitero di aristocrazia.

Ad ogni modo, se il realismo è un sapere ricavato dall’esperienza pratica nel mondo della storia, il realista non può che essere disilluso e disincantato sia verso il potere politico sia verso gli uomini. In realtà, non si accosta alla storia convinto di possedere la chiave per comprenderne l’essenza: è al contrario persuaso che la comprensione della storia non può mai diventare filosofia della storia. Mentre l’utopista ricerca la perfezione politica in una realtà iperuranica fatta di astrazioni e mentre l’ideologo trasfigura la realtà del potere e del mondo, il realista cerca di sforzarsi di individuare il vero volto della politica e della storia rifiutando il sogno dell’utopia e le contraffazioni dell’ideologia.

Nel contesto del realismo politico, l’aspetto spaziale e quindi geopolitico è certamente intrinseco. Infatti la lotta per il potere, la dinamica conflittuale che sta alla base della storia è anche lotta per il conseguimento di uno spazio vitale.

Allo storico greco Tucidide non sfuggì il fatto che l’interesse vitale di Atene fosse il controllo del mare senza il quale sarebbe stato minacciato l’approvvigionamento di materie prime e il commercio sul quale si fondava il sistema di sicurezza imperiale edificato nel Mediterraneo orientale. Sempre nella riflessione dello storico greco Tucidide appare evidente la polarizzazione geopolitica tra potenza terrestre e potenza marittima, contrapposizione che lo storico greco vede in Sparta e Atene.

Inevitabile allora appare una visione non solo pessimistica della storia ma in un certo senso melanconica: la dinamica di potenza è infatti sottoposta tanto alla legge della crescita quanto alla legge della decadenza. 

L’egemonia di una potenza è destinata a tramontare come hanno insegnato sia Machiavelli che lo stesso Tucidide. D’altra parte, come osservava il sociologo italiano Pareto, la storia è un cimitero di aristocrazia.

Ad ogni modo, se il realismo è un sapere ricavato dall’esperienza pratica nel mondo della storia, il realista non può che essere disilluso e disincantato sia verso il potere politico sia verso gli uomini. In realtà, non si accosta alla storia convinto di possedere la chiave per comprenderne l’essenza: è al contrario persuaso che la comprensione della storia non può mai diventare filosofia della storia. Mentre l’utopista ricerca la perfezione politica in una realtà iperuranica fatta di astrazioni e mentre l’ideologo trasfigura la realtà del potere e del mondo, il realista cerca di sforzarsi di individuare il vero volto della politica e della storia rifiutando il sogno dell’utopia e le contraffazioni dell’ideologia.

Giuseppe Gagliano

sábado, 16 de março de 2019

O Regresso das Corporações

Enfermeiros, professores, juizes e etc, sindicatos, comunistas, pessoal dos gabinetes de Cavaco e Passos Coelho, tudo e todos com uma discreta benção de Marcelo... As sucessivas e cada vez mais crispadas e duras ofensivas lançadas por estas categorias de funcionários públicos não são já lutas sindicais mas sim guerras corporativas desencadeadas contra o "bem comum" por agentes do Estado que consideram que podem tomar a sociedade civil como refém para exigir ao Estado resgates de milhares de milhões para a libertarem.

É o regresso das corporações e do seu intrínseco software salazarento e, claro, incompatível, no médio e longo prazos, com um regime de democracia. Depois, queixem-se do "populismo"...

OPA Chinesa à EDP Morre às Mãos de Trump

“Em nenhuma circunstância os chineses vão controlar o que a EDP tem nos Estados Unidos, o terceiro maior produtor de energia renovável”, revelou George Glass, o embaixador norte-americano em Lisboa, em entrevista ao Jornal Económico, de 15 de Março. O porto de Sines foi também objecto de um alerta do embaixador que destacou ainda que os EUA estão abertos à cooperação económica com empresas portuguesas, “desde a agricultura até à tecnologia”. O “Jornal Económico” bateu absolutamente toda a concorrência na mais pesada, tanto em termos económicos como estratégicos, das questões empresariais em curso: a OPA dos chineses à EDP. No passado dia 8, o jornal revelava que a OPA “estava nas mãos de Trump”. Uma semana depois, faz manchete com a “nega” americana que vem acompanhada de uma crítica ao neo-liberalismo pacóvio de Passos Coelho que entregou o controlo do estratégico sector português da energia ao Estado chinês... 

“Opomo-nos absolutamente a esse negócio”, garantiu George Glass. O embaixador acrescentou ainda que, em situações idênticas, as autoridades norte-americanas vetaram o negócio.

“O que posso dizer é que quando situações idênticas ocorreram no passado, a essas entidades não lhes foi permitido concluir o negócio”, esclareceu George Glass que considerou ainda uma questão de segurança nacional para os Estados Unidos observar as negociações da OPA, e assegurou que o país está a fazê-lo.

O embaixador manifestou-se ainda contra o atual panorama do mercado energético português. “A EDP controla 80% da energia elétrica em Portugal. Do ponto de vista dos Estados Unidos, do ponto de vista de negócios, como do meu ponto de vista pessoal, não deve haver uma entidade estrangeira a deter a vossa energia elétrica. Deve ser controlada pela nação ou pelos privados sob regulação nacional. Não é o caso do que está a acontecer com a EDP”, considerou George Glass.

Contactada pela Lusa, fonte da EDP escusou-se a comentar as declarações do embaixador dos Estados Unidos. Pudera...!

O embaixador também destacou a importância do Porto de Sines (em que a China se tem mostrado muito interessada...), explicando que pode ser o ponto de entrada do gás natural norte-americano na Europa. Passo necessário para combater interesses semelhantes da Rússia por via dos seus contactos privilegiados com o governo alemão.

sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2019

Fim da “Pax Americana”... Que se Segue?

Coisas que os economistas não perceberam, não percebem e nem parece que consigam alguma vez vir a perceber mas que, no entanto, são simples, como muito bem demonstra o nosso velho amigo Peter Zeihan nas linhas abaixo.

“What the Americans have done in the post-World War II era is to vastly expand continuity via the global Order. Instead of specialization and interaction being limited to the internal affairs of individual nations, the Americans imposed security on the global system. Think of Europe, a place where dozens of ethnicities have fought wars with one another for millennia. (...) The civilizational process is reaching for its ultimate, optimal peak. But “optimal” is not the same thing as “natural.” The Americans deliberately forced the Order into existence to fight the Cold War. The Americans have a deep continuity and large economies of scale without the Order, but the global system is wholly artificial. Making matters worse, the Order does not and cannot maintain itself. Someone must pay the bill to keep it going, and the American right, the American left, and the American center have lost interest and are all arguing for a more constrained American role in the wider world. No one else has the spare economic heft or the large market or the globe-spanning naval capacity to force an Order. Break the global continuity and everything that makes our world work quickly cracks apart...”

O sistema da “pax americana”, criado pelos Estados Unidos e seus aliados vencedores da II Guerra Mundial, no pós-1945, está esgotado e mostra-se impotente para responder aos desafios que a evolução das realidades, nestas primeiras duas décadas do século XXI, já lhe colocou e lhe continua a criar todos os dias. Donald Trump foi apenas o miúdo que gritou que o rei ia nu quando toda a gente lhe elogiava as vestes...

A grande questão, a mãe de todas as questões, é saber o que se segue a esta “pax americana”.

Ao modelo saído da vitória na II Guerra, segue-se novo modelo de “pax americana” (com o primado da potência marítima e, portanto, do comércio aberto e da circulação livre, da liberdade e da democracia, como desde o tempo de Péricles e da potência marítima de Atenas se começaram a entender) ou, pelo contrário, segue-se outra coisa, como, por exemplo, um modelo de domínio imperial de potência continental, cujas características estão nos antípodas das que são próprias das potências marítimas?

O jogo a decorrer é esse...

terça-feira, 12 de março de 2019

Fim de uma época: Argélia 1 – Bouteflikas 0

Bouteflika retira-se, com carta à Nação, mas o seu clan familiar não quer sair de cena e tenta ganhar tempo (eleições adiadas e sem data marcada). Em Tizi-Ouzou (coração da Kabília) há festa e quer-se o fim do sistema e a instauração da II República. O PREC começou e a hierarquia militar vai ter de “segurar as pontas”...

Para o ‘Le Point’, a Argélia mostra prudência face aos "engagements" de Bouteflika:

“L'Algérie aura un nouveau président avant la fin de l'année 2019. C'est ce qu'ont assuré lundi soir les autorités du pays, après la décision d'Abdelaziz Bouteflika de renoncer à briguer un cinquième mandat à la tête du pays.

“Dans un message à la nation publié par l'agence officielle APS, le président algérien, resté longtemps à Genève pour des examens médicaux alors que le peuple manifestait contre sa candidature, avait dans un même temps annoncé le report de l'élection présidentielle prévue initialement pour le 18 avril 2019.

“Dans ce message, Abdelaziz Bouteflika précise que l'élection présidentielle aura lieu "dans le prolongement d'une conférence nationale" chargée de réformer le système politique et d'élaborer un projet de Constitution d'ici à fin 2019.

“Dans les rues d'Algérie, les réactions étaient mitigées en milieu de soirée lundi, rapporte Le Monde, après ces annonces. Car si nombreux sont les Algériens qui se réjouissent de la décision d'Abdelaziz Bouteflika de renoncer à briguer un nouveau mandat, nombreux sont aussi ceux qui s'interrogeaient sur ce fameux report de l'élection présidentielle.

“Lundi soir, Ramtane Lamamra, nouvellement nommé vice-Premier ministre, a donc éclairci la situation en annonçant à RFI que des élections libres seraient organisées en Algérie avant la fin de l'année 2019. "Il appartient maintenant aux femmes, aux hommes et surtout aux jeunes de ce pays de se hisser au niveau, au diapason de cette responsabilité historique", a-t-il déclaré à Radio France Internationale. "Nous n'avons pas droit à l'erreur, je crois qu'ensemble nous bâtirons cet avenir meilleur pour le peuple algérien", a-t-il ajouté.

“Dans la foulée de l'annonce du renoncement d'Abdelaziz Bouteflika, le Premier ministre algérien Ahmed Ouyahia a présenté sa démission. Il a été remplacé par Nourreddine Bedoui qui occupait jusqu'à présent le poste de ministre de l'Intérieur. C'est à lui qu'incombe la tâche de former un nouveau gouvernement. Pour ce faire, il sera épaulé du vice-Premier ministre Ramtane Lamamra, également nommé ministre des Affaires étrangères, un poste qu'il a occupé de 2013 à 2017....”

A carta de Bouteflika à Nação, distribuída pela oficial Agence de Presse Algérienne

“Chères concitoyennes,
Chers concitoyens,

L'Algérie traverse une étape sensible de son Histoire. Ce 8 mars, pour le troisième vendredi consécutif, d'importantes marches populaires ont eu lieu à travers le pays. J'ai suivi ces développements et, comme je vous l'ai déjà annoncé le 3 de ce mois, je comprends les motivations des nombreux compatriotes qui ont choisi ce mode d'expression dont je tiens, une fois de plus, à saluer le caractère pacifique.

Je comprends tout particulièrement le message porté par les jeunes en termes, à la fois, d'angoisse et d'ambition pour leur avenir propre et pour celui du pays. Je comprends aussi le décalage qui a pu être source de préoccupation entre, d'un côté, la tenue de l'élection présidentielle à une date techniquement appropriée en tant que jalon de gouvernance dans la vie institutionnelle et politique et, de l'autre, l'ouverture, sans délai indu, du vaste chantier, politiquement hautement prioritaire, de conception et de conduite de réformes profondes dans les domaines politique, institutionnel, économique et social, avec la participation la plus large possible et la plus représentative de la société algérienne, y compris la juste part devant revenir aux femmes et aux jeunes. Je comprends enfin que le projet rénovateur de notre État-nation, dont je vous ai annoncé les principales articulations, gagnerait à bénéficier d'un surcroît de clarifications et être préparé, pour chasser tout doute des esprits, par la réunion des conditions de son appropriation par toutes les couches sociales et les composantes de la Nation algérienne.

En toute fidélité au serment que j'ai fait devant le peuple algérien de protéger et de promouvoir en toutes circonstances les intérêts bien compris de notre Patrie, et après les consultations institutionnelles requises par la Constitution, j'invoque la grâce et le soutien de Dieu Tout-Puissant pour me prévaloir des valeurs supérieures de notre peuple dont nos glorieux martyrs et nos valeureux moudjahidine ont consacré l'immortalité pour présenter à l'adresse de vos cœurs et à vos consciences les décisions suivantes:

Premièrement: il n'y aura pas de cinquième mandat et il n'en a jamais été question pour moi, mon état de santé et mon âge ne m'assignant comme ultime devoir envers le peuple algérien que la contribution à l'assise des fondations d'une nouvelle République en tant que cadre du nouveau système algérien que nous appelons de tous nos vœux. Cette nouvelle République et ce nouveau système seront entre les mains des nouvelles générations d'Algériennes et d'Algériens qui seront tout naturellement les principaux acteurs et bénéficiaires de la vie publique et du développement durable dans l'Algérie de demain.

Deuxièmement: il n'y aura pas d'élection présidentielle le 18 avril prochain. Il s'agit ainsi de satisfaire une demande pressante que vous avez été nombreux à m'adresser dans votre souci de lever tout malentendu quant à l'opportunité et à l'irréversibilité de la transmission générationnelle à laquelle je me suis engagé. Il s'agit aussi de faire prévaloir la noble finalité des dispositifs juridiques qui réside dans une saine régulation de la vie institutionnelle et dans l'harmonie des interactions socio-politiques, sur une observation rigide d'échéances pré-établies. Le report de l'élection présidentielle qui a été réclamé vient donc pour apaiser les appréhensions qui ont été manifestées afin d'ouvrir la voie à la généralisation de la sérénité, de la quiétude et de la sécurité publique, dans l'objectif d'entreprendre ensemble les actions d'importance historique qui permettront de préparer le plus rapidement possible l'avènement d'une nouvelle ère en Algérie.

Troisièmement: dans la perspective d'une mobilisation accrue des pouvoirs publics et du rehaussement de l'efficacité de l'action de l'État dans tous les domaines, j'ai décidé de procéder tout prochainement à des changements importants au sein du gouvernement. Ces changements constitueront une réponse adéquate aux attentes dont vous m'avez saisi, ainsi qu'une illustration de ma réceptivité à l'exigence de reddition de comptes et d'évaluation rigoureuse dans l'exercice des responsabilités à tous les niveaux et dans tous les secteurs.

Quatrièmement: la conférence nationale inclusive et indépendante sera une enceinte dotée de tous les pouvoirs nécessaires à la discussion, l'élaboration et l'adoption de tous types de réformes devant constituer le socle du nouveau système que porte le lancement du processus de transformation de notre État-nation, que j'estime être ma mission ultime en parachèvement de l'œuvre dont Dieu Tout-Puissant m'a accordé la capacité et pour laquelle le peuple algérien m'a donné l'opportunité.

Cette conférence sera équitablement représentative de la société algérienne comme des sensibilités qui la parcourent, organisera librement ses travaux, sous la direction d'une instance présidentielle plurielle, avec à sa tête un président qui sera une personnalité nationale indépendante, consensuelle et expérimentée. La conférence doit s'efforcer de compléter son mandat avant la fin de l'année 2019.

Le projet de Constitution qui émanera da la conférence sera soumis à un référendum populaire. La conférence nationale indépendante fixera souverainement la date de l'élection présidentielle à laquelle je ne serai en aucun cas candidat.

Cinquièmement: l'élection présidentielle qui aura lieu dans le prolongement de la conférence nationale inclusive et indépendante sera organisée sous l'autorité exclusive d'une commission électorale nationale indépendante dont le mandat, la composition et le mode de fonctionnement seront codifiés dans un texte législatif spécifique qui s'inspirera des expériences et des pratiques les mieux établies à l'échelle internationale. La création d'une commission électorale nationale indépendante est décidée pour répondre à une revendication largement soutenue par les formations politiques algériennes ainsi qu'à une recommandation constante des missions d'observation électorale des Organisations internationales et régionales invitées et reçues par l'Algérie lors des consultations électorales nationales précédentes.

Sixièmement: dans le but de contribuer de manière optimale à la tenue de l'élection présidentielle dans des conditions incontestables de liberté, de régularité et de transparence, il sera formé un gouvernement de compétences nationales bénéficiant du soutien des composantes de la conférence nationale. Ce gouvernement assumera la supervision des missions de l'administration publique et des services de sécurité et apportera sa pleine collaboration à la commission électorale nationale indépendante. Pour sa part, le Conseil constitutionnel assumera, en toute indépendance, les pouvoirs que lui confèrent la Constitution et la loi en matière d'élections présidentielles.

Septièmement: je m'engage solennellement devant Dieu le Tout-Puissant et devant le peuple algérien à ne ménager aucun effort pour que les institutions, structures, démembrements de l'État et collectivités locales se mobilisent pour concourir à la pleine réussite de ce plan de travail. Je m'engage également à veiller à ce que toutes les institutions constitutionnelles de la République poursuivent scrupuleusement l'accomplissement de leurs missions respectives et exercent leurs pouvoirs respectifs au service exclusif du peuple algérien et de la République. Je m'engage enfin, si Dieu m'accorde vie et assistance, à remettre les charges et les prérogatives de président de la République au successeur que le peuple algérien aura librement élu.

Chères concitoyennes,
Chers concitoyens,

Voici la voie du salut que je vous invite à emprunter ensemble pour prémunir l'Algérie contre des épreuves, des déchirements et des déperditions d'énergies.

Voici la voie d'un sursaut collectif pacifique pour permettre à l'Algérie de réaliser tout son potentiel dans une démocratie épanouie, digne des gloires de l'Histoire de notre Nation.

Voici la voie dans laquelle je vous demande de me suivre et de m'aider.

Gloire éternelle à nos vaillants martyrs.”

Algérie: après l'euphorie, le doute

Para os contestários, que nas últimas três semanas encheram as ruas aos milhões, Bouteflika com esta carta “está a gozar com o povo” e "a prolongar por mais um ano, de forma inconstitucional, o seu mandato, que acaba no próximo 28 de Abril”.

“É um verdadeiro golpe de Estado, a última armadilha de Bouteflika ao povo argelino, numa manobra capitaneada pelo seu irmão mais novo que já é o verdadeiro chefe de Estado”, acrescentam outros. Os argelinos continuam, entretanto, a esperar que o CEMGFA, general Gaid Salah, um berbére, decida “proteger o povo e não um clan”...

Conclusão: na próxima sexta-feira, a Argélia vai voltar às ruas. Então e aí, se verá que horizonte se desenha para a segunda parte do último desafio de Bouteflika e seu clan familiar...

Atlântico Norte: Novo Mapa a Emergir!

Há um Novo Mapa a emergir, no Atlântico Norte, e é urgente estudá-lo, monitorizá-lo e influenciá-lo. Sem perda de tempo!